Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Gift

The gift to humanity came in the form of a helpless newborn baby. The redeemer of mankind laying on some linen sheets and lambskin blankets desperately needing his mom's warmth and milk to maybe make it through the first few months..
A human baby! Could anything be more vulnerable? No vaccinations or hospitals, no disposable diapers or electric heat. If left alone for more than a few hours he certainly would be the victim of  increment weather or of an animal attack. The great messiah, totally dependent on other humans for his own survival.
The savior of souls was after all just another mouth to feed. If not another burden, for sure another bundle to carry, another worry on top of many, another difficult thing to explain.
How many of those come our way?
We expected compassion, instead judgement is what comes our way.
We expected commitment, instead we get a divorce letter from a cheating spouse.
We expected a retirement party, instead we get a pink slip.
How many of those come our way, again and again?
Can we ever say that the bad is now over, and that we will now live happily forevermore?
Was it even possible to imagine that the soft trembling hands in the manger would be the rough trembling hands in the cross?
Could we ever conceive the idea that the gift of blood poured and flesh torn would cause sorrow in hell and joy in heaven? Shouldn't it be the other way around, at least in our natural minds?
From the time the earthly lamb was cut to cover Adam and Eve's shame, to time the heavenly lamb was crushed to cover mine and yours shame...Can we look passed the thousands of years in between? Can we look passed the years between the receiving blankets and the ripped veils of the temple?
Can we look past the ugly wrapping paper of a divorce letter and see the beautiful gift of freedom to serve the Lord in a bigger capacity?
Can we really only see the here and now, can we give it some time?
Do I have the courage to once and for all FULLY unwrap in my life, in my soul the gift offered to me 2011 years ago? Do you?